The Barest Thing Anyone Can Do To Maintain Good Health

It’s OK for about a third of your daily calories to come from fat! It’s the type of fat that can trip you up. Generally speaking, stick with the unsaturated fats from fish and plants like olives, soybeans, avocados, and nuts (but not coconut and palm oils) over the saturated and trans fats from animal sources, fried foods, and baked treats. Choose lean meats and lower-fat versions of dairy foods when you have them.

Don’t worry so much about sugar that’s naturally in food. Watch out for added sugars put into foods and drinks as they’re made. Limit these to about 6 teaspoons (100 calories) per day for women and 9 teaspoons (150 calories) for men. If you’re craving a sweet boost, choose sugar-added foods that also have nutrients, like whole-grain bars or low-fat yogurt.