The Barest Thing Anyone Can Do To Maintain Good Health

The average person only gets about half of what they need in a day, which is 25-30 grams. To work more fiber into your diet, choose whole-grain versions of foods when you can, like brown rice and whole wheat crackers. Eat a whole-grain food with every meal. And get friendly with beans and legumes! You can add chickpeas to a salad, for example, or mix lentils into your meatloaf.

6.Veggies and Fruits
Forget servings and cups. Every time you eat, aim to get half of your food from the produce section. Reach for veggies and fruits as snacks. Juices count, too, if they’re 100%, but the actual fruit or vegetable is better and will help you get your fiber. You want a broad mix of colors and textures.