The 12 Best Supplements, According to a Dietitian


Best B-Complex

Nature Made Super B-Complex


  • USP certified
  • Gluten-free
  • Budget-friendly


  • May interact with certain medications

B vitamins are used for a variety of functions in the body, including making new cells and breaking down fats, protein, and carbohydrates for energy. However, despite popular claims, taking a B complex won’t boost your energy levels.

B vitamins are found in a variety of foods, including grains, vegetables, meat, dairy, nuts, and legumes. While you can supplement individual B vitamins, a B complex has all eight B vitamins in one supplement. If you eat a varied diet, you may not benefit from taking a B complex. However, if you have a limited diet or absorption issues, a healthcare professional may recommend a B complex supplement.

We like Nature Made Super B-Complex, as it offers a high dose of B vitamins and vitamin C. One tablet contains well over 100% Daily Value for all eight B vitamins plus the addition of 167% Daily Value for vitamin C.

Nature Made is a reputable, budget-friendly supplement company that offers many USP-certified supplements. The Super B Complex is third-party tested and USP-certified.

B vitamins are water-soluble and not stored in the body, meaning excessive amounts are excreted. However, high doses of some B vitamins may interact with some medications, so it’s worth speaking with your doctor prior to starting a B complex. Additionally, if you’re already taking a multivitamin or another supplement with B vitamins, it’s possible that adding a B-complex could push your intake over the upper limit for niacin and vitamin B6. A healthcare professional can help determine if you need a B complex in addition to other supplements.

Price at time of publication: $7 ($0.12 per serving)

Nature Made Super B-Complex


Best Calcium

Citracal Petites Calcium Citrate


  • Third-party tested
  • Easily absorbed
  • Small tablet size
  • Budget-friendly


  • Two tablet dose
  • May interfere with certain medications

Calcium is one of the main nutrients involved in bone health, and many people do not get the recommended daily calcium amount in their diet.9 Specifically, postmenopausal women and those who do not eat dairy products are at an increased risk of not getting enough calcium. Calcium needs for adults are 1,000 mg per day, but women over 51 years of age (and men over 71 years of age) have a higher need for calcium at 1,200 mg per day.

If a healthcare professional has recommended a calcium supplement, we recommend Bayer Citracal Petites because it is budget-friendly and includes a combination of calcium and vitamin D from calcium citrate and vitamin D3. A two-tablet dose contains 400 mg of calcium—31% Daily Value—and 500 IU of vitamin D—63% Daily Value. Calcium absorption from supplements is best in amounts of 500 mg or less of calcium, so we like that the calcium dose in this supplement is in this range for optimal absorption..9

This calcium supplement may be better tolerated by some people, as the calcium comes from calcium citrate, which is a readily absorbed form that can be taken with or without food.9 The form of vitamin D3 is also readily absorbed.

Bayer Citracal Petites is third-party tested, so you can feel confident in the potency and purity of this supplement. An additional benefit to the Bayer Citracal Petites is the small tablet size making them easy to swallow, but note you must take two tablets to get the full dose.

One thing to note about calcium supplements is they can interfere with some medications. Therefore, before taking a calcium supplement, talk to a healthcare professional. Note the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for calcium is 2,500 mg per day for adults 19-50 years and 2,000 mg per day for those 51 years and over. If you take other supplements that have calcium, be sure you are staying under the UL for calcium unless directed otherwise by a healthcare professional.

Price at time of publication: $20 ($0.11 per serving)

Citracal Petites Calcium Citrate